WHAT is Combine Fulfillment service and When combine Service is needed ?,

PINKBOX offer a Combine Service called Fulfillment such Sorting, repacking, and shipping from Korean Warehouse to your international address.
Customers, you can make an order easily by yourself at Gmarket, 11st, Coupang or yes24, Weverse Shop and other online store(shop)where you can make your own account and shop with your payment way and ship to your order to PINKBOX Warehouse

PINKBOX Combine Service: International Shipping Solution

The PINKBOX combine service allows overseas buyers to purchase products from Korean online shops, stores, and sellers and have them sent to the local address of the Pinkbox Korean warehouse. Once all your order items arrive at the Pinkbox warehouse, the PINKBOX combine service will repack and consolidate your packages and ship them to your global address using your chosen shipping method, ensuring safe and fast delivery.

Key Benefits:

  • Convenient International Shipping: Easily shop from Korean stores and have your purchases delivered worldwide.

  • Secure Handling: Professional repacking and consolidation services with Taking Photos for safe delivery.

  • Flexible Delivery Options: Choose your preferred shipping method for quick and reliable service.

Experience hassle-free shopping from Korea with PINKBOX combine service today

Basically, PINKBOX keep and store all packages as arrival dated in warehouse before you submit Combine packing request (You may find your package at COMBINE INFO, in right side at the top bar, if you have local tracking number)
You submit "combine shipping request" when you want us to start to packing for shipment. (considered as packing based on package(s) in your Combine shipping)

We will sort and pack your arrived packages as your requested in the submitted Combine service Request form. (we will open your packages and send you the content's photos), and update the details of the Packing and available shipping methods after all your packages are packed.(Combine Service information URL will be sent you When all packing finished)
All of your package can be packed in one box or in multiple boxes depending on the volume(Dimension) or Physical weight.

Simply, Steps
1- You made your order to your seller/Shops and ship to Korean PINKBOX warehouse here.
2- Local tracking number will be given when the order start to deliver to here
3- Sumbit Combine shipping service request in Pinkbox website when you want shipment.
4- Pinkbox, we will pick up your package(s) and sort for taking photos and send you and pack them into one or mutiple boxes and send you Packing and Payment URL.
5- You can pay the shipping service charge
6-PINKBOX will make Shipment with tracking number.


NAME : Tell us Your Name [Same as the name of the shop you ordered] 
E-MAIL : Your Email and Same with your account [You can check your order status]
TOTAL ORDER PACKAGE : Pls. put your sellers(Shops) order packages,[It is same quantities with tracking numbers]
CUSTOMS DECLARATION : You can choose one of Options ( Sample, Gift, Merchandise)- Different Taxes could be imposed by importing country. Check your tariff policy.
CUSTOMS VALUE : Pls. let us know your package value for your customs clearance only USD, such as US$40.00 or US$80.00, We will write on your package for customs clearance.
SHIPPING METHODS : You can choose now, or later-Packing way could be different and could be delayed for packing (different weight, Size for each shipping methods)
LOCAL TRACKING NUMBER / OTHER REFERENCE : If you already have a Local tracking numbers You can let us know, or simple information about your items for our reference.

if you have any problem with sending PINKBOX Combine service request form, You can also send Normal Email with the important title format to Pinkbox ( Important Title : Your Name, Delivery Country,Customs Value, Local Tracking numbers)

Once all your order items arrive at the Pinkbox warehouse, the PINKBOX combine service will repack and consolidate your packages and ship them to your international address

For more information Here

MAY I know the cost of using PINKBOX Combine service

(Shipping fee + 8.5%(Handling fee+US$2.5(Storage fee) / each seller(Package)

Detail :
Storage fee :
If you order 3 items from one seller(shop) at Gmarket (or, YES24.) Weversshop, or any available shops that you can make your own account and shop with your payment way, the seller(shop) will deliver 3 items in one carton box or plastic bag, this your 3 items order from one seller(shop) is "one" package q'ty- It means Your Total order package q'ty for Shipping service is "1" (Your storage fee is US$2.5)
If you order 10 items from two shops, 7 items from 1 seller(shop), the rest items from other shop, this case, it may 2 packages and Total order package q'ty is "2" (Your storage fee is US$5.00)

Handling fee :
Handling fee is 8.5% of shipping fee only, added to shipping charge (EMS Shipping based(If you use EMS or AirMail) or Air courier based(If you use Air courier such as Fedex/EMS Premium(UPS))

Shipping fee :
Shipping Rate is fixed by Korean post office and AirMail(Air Parcel)Rate (You can refer to HERE) https://pinkbox.kr/content/5-shipping-charge


Basically, we will not touch original packing. only we removed carton Box(Cardboard box), the reasons are 1) Stained and damaged in local delivery 2) to reduce volume(size) of combined packing box. - We only replace damaged outer box to new one-we can not open or touch your contents. so, we are not responsible for missing, or broken something(check the picture carefully, if you want, let us know before packing, we will take photo more detail ), we only follow the combine request contents and customs value you submitted only. do not order fragile items such as glass or ceramic items as combine shipping service, we cannot responsible for any damage in delivery, especially Sea mail delivery, it could be a problem(even hard packing, no avoid damage in delivery, so, recommend clothes or not fragile items) - we need your information about your order before shipment in case of fragile items.

Pinkbox not responsible for the shopping goods,items,merchandise,which chosen by customers and any taxes,or other fees that may be imposed by import county when your order reaches

Notice : 2021. Jan- Most of Customs , especially USA, Eroupe, UK they make a strict on Customs value for each Items, asking detail HS.CODE and each Net weight, Unit price, we, threfore, need your attention on Customs value more

HOW to send my order to PINKBOX warehouse ?

You can add "PINKBOX Warehouse Address" to the address book of the shop or seller you are going to order, so that your shop or seller will ship your order to PINKBOX warehouse.
See here for more information.

SOME Korean online shop/seller, they don't accept my Credit card or PayPal and not eligible for membership to make order, What should I do ?

Not all Korean online shop and seller accept overseas payment methods and PayPal, but, Mostly they accept cash offering their Korean Bank account, You can transfer payment to the shop/seller using wise or similar bank transfer methods and for shop and seller where targeting domestic members only, it may be difficult to register as a member. In this case, please use PINKBOX BUYING SERVICE or use GUEST ORDER of the Shop/seller.

WHERE can i get PINKBOX warehouse address ?

The address in Korea is currently displayed in two ways, divided into the old method Korean land lot number and the Korean road name method which a newly established method 10 years ago. The old Land lot method is gradually disappearing, and road name address method is mainly used now. Here, we introduce Road name address for warehouse address.

[Delivery Korean Domestic address for PINKBOX Warehouse]

Post code : 50625
경상남도 양산시 양주로 154(중부동, 대동황토방아파트) 104동 302호 [Detail address is Important Point]
Phone : 010 4735 3449
To: Your name

You also simply refer to address below ( 중부동, 대동황토방아파트 - this is old(land lot) address and building name)

경상남도 양산시 양주로 154, 104동 302호 (경상남도 (Province- S. Korea contain total 8 Provinces, 경상남도 is the one of 8 Provinces), 양산시 (City Name), 양주로 154 ( Street name), 104동 302호 (detail address is the most important part)
Old[Land Lot] Address for reference : 경상남도 양산시 중부동 696-1번지 대동황토방 104동 302호

[From outside of Korea to Korean Warehouse]

If you have any order out of Korea and delivery to Korean warehouse, No import taxes are less around 150.00 USD (included shipping)_due to the changeable currency rates USD 125 ~130.00 USD is safe and ask your seller/Shop to mark as Gift

Room302, 104Dong, 154, Yangju-ro, Yangsan-si, Gyeongsangnam-do, Korea
Postage code : 50625
Phone : 010 4735 3449
To : Your name

HOW long can I keep my packages in the warehouse Storage period of packages and Disposal Plan

All packages are kept for up to 6 months from the day after the first packages which listed in inbound status.
Packages that have passed the period shall be disposed of within 48 hours after notifying the owner of the packages subject to disposal through member information e-mail (It doesn't matter if an e-mail about the notification was sent or not.)

DO you have any Information Prohibited Items ?

In addition to common prohibited items, each country has its own list of prohibited items according to trade policies or other local conditions, which shall be communicated to other member countries through International Bureau of the Universal Postal Union. Below is prohibited items from Korea to overseas.

Lithium Battery( Mobile phone, laptop computer_ This will be shipped by Fedex with a proper Document and limited quantities.

IMPOSSIBLE items below
Lithum battery bank( Power Bank)
Spray(related to Gas)- Usually Spray container Cosmetic.
volatility Liquid alcohol inside.
Instant glue,
hair dye,
Perishable food,
plants, animals.
Pure gold, Coins, bank notes,Money remittances
Negotiable articles
Prohibited articles defined by UPU
Articles that may cause danger during handling process or damage, contamination to other items
Drugs or psychotropic substances
Explosive or flammable substances or other dangerous materials (paint, ink, etc.)
Obscene or nefarious articles
Processed or non-processed pure gold, silver, platinum, jewelry, etc.
Any contents prohibited by destination country for import
Animals and plants (Pine mushrooms, etc.)

Pls. check more here

WHAT is Shipping Methods Available ?

Ship all countries with available carriers, EMS, AIRMAIL, EMS Premium(UPS), Fedex, SeaMail(Surface) and K-Packet below delivery days are in normal condition, It could be delayed more or suspended for a while suddenly without notice, due to
the unexpected policy of each countries situation [Some countries that have yet to recover normal system from COVID could be delayed 5~7 business days more]
All tracking number will be given with shipment and you can choose one of available shipping methods [Fedex / EMS Premium(UPS) / EMS / AirMail / Sea(Surface)]

* Fedex (3~5 business days from Korea to your place included 1 day for Local post from PINKBOX to Fedex Agent
* EMS Premium(UPS) (3~5 business days from Korea to your place)
* EMS (3~6 business days from Korea to your place)
* Air Mail (9~14 business days from Korea to your place)
* K-Packet (4~9 business days from Korea to your place)
* SeaMail(Surface) ( 50 ~70 days from Korea to your place)

All box weight will be charged heavier one between weight and volume(dimension) size ( changed 15th.Dec.2020 by Korean post office)

Corrected Delivery address : If you have wrong delivery address, Especially Post code or city name, it is highly likely to be sent to other regions, and even if the address is corrected, it may take a long time for the parcel to be delivered to the corrected address, - In most countries, it is not easy to correct or change the address, especially in the United States, it is impossible to change the shipping address, so customers must check the address of the shipping destination, especially post code is the most important factor.

All risk : All shipment methods are dispatched on the condition of all risk owned by Buyer, Missing, Return of importation prohibited, Unknown, Refused, Gone away, Unclaimed of buyer side with import Taxes (PINKBOX is not responsible for the shopping goods, items, merchandise which chosen by customers and any taxes,or other fees that may be imposed by import county when your order reaches)
Return fee will be charged to buyer in case of return of EMS Premium(UPS), AirMail, Fedex, SEAMAIL delivery, due to the All risk above,so, please. check careful delivery address and customs policy in your country.
Return shipping fee(from your country to Korea) : It will be charged or abandoned by your Customs authority for All shipping methods
Re-shipping : charge on all shipping methods -You can change/switch re-shipping method and pay for re-shipping, if you want re-shipping and when the parcel returned by customs.

I am doing my Business worldwide, Can you ship to my customers in specific Country direclty ?

Sure, we can ship to your customer's country using available shipping methods, You or your customer can choose available shipping methods. You can Check delivery available Country here

I will vist Korea and Stay for a while, can you send the packages to my Place ?

Sure, If You want delivery in Local Korea. Basically, we'PINKBOX' not accept ship in Korea Locally , but, if you have a chance to visit Korea or your friends are staying Korea so that you can get your package with you in Korea.
PRICE Plan : US$2.50/Per Packge + Toal Price (Local shipping charge + Warehouse Storge cost), Please, check more information at the bottom of Combine shipping page.

If you have any questions about PINKBOX Combine fulfillment Service, please feel free to contact us


WHAT is buying service and When Buying Service is needed ?,

If you found Interesting Korean items, products in a online stores, but they don't accept your Credit card, PayPal, only accept that issued in Korea payment way or, they only deliver in Korea and you need to communicate with
shops or you are not sure the shop is reliable or not, and you need to combine pack with other sellers/Shops items at a time. recommended Pinkbox Buying Service.

Buy from any products and items from any Korean stores or seller, Buying Service company based in Korea. We buy for you, Repack, and inspect the items and Ship to You, anything in Korea!, You name it we buy for you!.
Simply, Send Buying Quotation to us, PINKBOX-Solve the matter quickly for you.

1. If you found your favorite items ar any Korean Shop, copy the products(items) URL and Q'ty Color and Size into the Buying quotation(PINKBOX Buying Service Request) and send.
2. Pinkbox will check the items in the shops and will reply you via e-mail with estimation quotation for you within 1 hour in business time (Out of Business day and time : available but will be delayed )
3. If you agree with the quotation, Pls. proceed your order ( PO. Number and Your Payment URL will be given to you with quotation)- [* shipping charge will be fixed as "Shipping charge later" ]- Shipping will be charge once all your items arrived here with actual weight, due to the policy of Korean Post office.
4. Pinkbox will buy your items at same time with your payment.
5. Pinkbox staff will repack properly for international shipping, once all your items arrived here and send you available Shipping methods and Shipping charge Payment URL
6. Your order will be shipped with tracking number through the shipping method which you choosed.

* Shipping charge table HERE  - You can estaimate your shipping charge with your expect weight or Volume(Dimension)
* For more information for Pinkbox Buying service HERE 

CAN i buy from an auction sites or a second-hand markets such as Joongonara, Bunjang, hellomarket through Pinkbox Buying service ?

Yes and No., we can not buy from daangn.com(당근) but bungjang(번개장터) and more simailr sites, such as Joonggonara, and hellomarket,  we can make order for you, but, only seller must offer safe payment method through thier platform, we(pinkbox)cannot purchase products from sellers who do not display safe payment methods, due to the scam and fraud problem in Bunjang is P2P site, such as joongnara,hello market Sellers who do not display safe payment methods are likely problematic sellers,  Another way is to use Pinkbox combine service, they purchase direclty and ship to Pinkbox warehouse for fulfillment service (Sorting, Combining, Packing and Shipping to your place)

As an alternative, recommend cocomarket.kr(https://cocomarket.kr/), There are not many products yet, but it is expected to increase gradually.

Safe Payment Methods Mark as below ("In the case of Junggonara, both parts must be possible together 안전거래 & 거래방식(택배))

Joonggonara : 안전결제(Safe Payment Method) & Delivery(택배)                Bunjang : 안전결제                   hellomarket : 안전결제
joongonara           BUNJANG              hello market safe payment

* Products on the second-hand platform are non-returnable and non-refundable. Please contact the seller about the condition and photos provided, or any inquiries (via online Talk or Chat), and utilize services like buying service or combine service.

* When purchasing products on a brokerage platform, the authenticity, condition, or any other details related to the product are considered to be verified and accepted by the buyer. Therefore, exchanges, returns, and refunds for all second-hand products are restricted.

MAY I know Shipping Methods and delivery for Pinkbox Service ?

Shipping method : EMS Premium(UPS), EMS (Express Mail Service), AirMail, Fedex, Seamail( Surface) with buyers Charge, You can choose the best way for you- All Methods are given Tracking number.
Shipment destiny : Whole countries that covered by Korean carrier
Shipping charge : Shipping rates used for each purchased order weight and volum(Dimension) different with countries and methods. Pls. check Shipping rates
Delivery time : Mostly items which ordered through pinkbox's buying service are expected arrive at Pinkbox within 5-10 business days from the seller/shop and are inspected and packaged to prepare for shipment.

Estimated shipping time and available shipping methods (From Korea to Your place) : Due to the COVID-19 , and other unexpected status International shipping may be delayed by more than a month or stopped in some of countries and changeable often their quarantine policy or other situations, and All shipping method has been organized by all possible countries, but sudden suspension and postponement may occur due to sudden changes in this circumstances under each countries conditions.

-EMS Premium(UPS) : (3~5 business days from Korea to your place)
-Fedex : (4~6 business days from Korea to your place_included 1 business days local posting to Air courier Agent)
-EMS : (3~5 business days from Korea to your place)
-AIRMAIL : (9~15 business days from Korea to your place)
-K-Packet (4~9 business days from Korea to your place)
-SEAMAIL(SURFACE) : (50 ~70 days from Korea to your place , Depended on Vessel schedule, 15 days more and less )

Please take into consideration that the products of your order may be unavailable or delayed in manufacturing due to conditions of materials or manufacturer. we will check the status of items from seller/shop and let you
know if the estimate delivery days over

Shipping will be charged when all items arrived here, and send you Shipping charge with available shipping methods( EMS Premium(UPS)/Fedex / EMS / AIRMAIL / K-Packet / SEAMAIL(SURFACE ), You can choose the best way for you- Surface will be added upon the customer's request for buying orders.
All Methods are given Tracking number.

CAN i cancel or return for Buying service items ?

Replacement or/and return of goods may not be accepted for this service business type, but, in case, you can ask replace or refund for default on products which included defectives on products, such as hole, broken in Clothing items or much different design or color and size with your original order,. Our customer service will shortly contact you upon checking on your request.
Please make sure you have selected right options(e.g. size, color and quantity) prior to completing the order.
You can cancel and change your order before your payment, but, once the order is completed, it is assumed that the customer agreed on our exchange/refund policy.

Requests for exchange/refund are accepted only if the requests are made within 7 days of the date of receipt and the ordered goods are significant difference with your original order.
For replacement, please specify the cause and your intent of replacement and apply for replacement to the customer service.
if there is a problem on the goods or in the case of replacement or return of goods by any mistake of PINKBOX, the delivery fees shall be borne by PINKBOX.
In the case of faulty goods, only replacement to the same size and/or same color is accepted, but, we are not sure its available, we will refund you in case of out of stock.


CLICK the Buying service Request and fill out Pinkbox Buying quotation Request form.
Your Name : Tell us Your Name please, Nick name is Okay
E-mail : We will send our Quotation through your Email, Pls. check carefully, ( if you did not received any quotation within 1hours, pls.check Your spam fold)
Delivery Country : Your country where the international package ship to ( If you can not your country, Pls. contact us)
*Shipping will be fixed only " Shipping charge later" if the items that you want to buy are not listed actual weight in their product pages, or, need to be measured for weight,
Contents : You can paste items URL and Qty, Color and Size ( ex. https://www.shoemakker.com/pumps-heel/1734-lovely-girlish-heel-by-korean-cost, it is important , shoes, QTY 2, Color Black, Size 245 ), if the url is not work,
Pls let us know the items name or style number, or you can capture the image and send me instead of Product's URL.

if you have any problem with sending the quotation request form, You can also send Email with the important title format to Pinkbox ( Important Title : Your Name, Delivery Country, Content)

For more information Here


1. SUBMIT the Quotation request or email , Pinkbox will check the items in the shops and will reply you via e-mail with estimation quotation for you within 1 hours in business time (Out of Business day and time : available
but will be delayed )_If you haven't received an estimate, please check your spam folder.

2. Quotation
Your quotation will be given to you quickly through your email with PDF quotation attached, If you accept this Quotation, you can proceed your next Step, Click the URL for your order(will be sent same email), or Type your PO
number at the search bar at the top of website, You can also find your Quotation in Your PO.Number product page. (You can find and check your Quotation at Your Po.number Product page, You can click and enlarge to view
the your items and detail)

3.Order proceed & Handling
You can find your quotation in the product page, You can add to cart and proceed your order, if you accept. Pinkbox will proceed your order (Buy for your items)

4.Shipping Charge and Shipment
The shipping method and charge will be sent in the same way as #2 after packaging when your item arrives here.( we send you Shipping methods and charge URL to your email for shipment , You choose the best way for
your shipment and proceed the shipping payment for shipment)

MAY I know the status of my order in the Pinkbox ?

ORDER STATUS : You can find your account in order histoy at pinkbox.kr

Payment accepted > Processing in Pregress > All your itenms arrived and preparing shipment > Payment accepted(Shipping cahrge) >Shipped

If theordered item does not arrive after 5 business days here, I will contact the seller/shops and check the situation and contact you by email about the current situation.will be Updated whenever your items status change (Basically, all order, except Custom or Pre_order, will be ready for Shipment within 5 Business days)

WHAT is Service fee for Pinkbox Buying Service ?

Service fee Policy and Plan ;
Buying Service Handling Fees
PINKBOX applies the following service fees to buying service orders.( Korean Won( herein krw))

Fee/Ref. Description
Handling Fee : 15% for Total Amount, if your total amount is less KRW 100,000 Handling Fee is KRW 15,000 as Minimum Fee
Shipping Charge : Shipping will be charged when all shopping items arrived and packed after measuring weight. Pls. refer Shipping charge rate here.
Charged heavier one between weight and volume (Dimension) size.

* EMS : 3~5 businee days, AirMail : 9~14 business days, K-Packet : 4~ 9 business days- You can choose best shipping method for you
* Currency convert rate : PayPal exchange rate with PayPal fee included.
* No return and refund and replacement as buying service policy, except defects on the items from original orders.
* All risk : Missing, Return of importation prohibited, Unknown, Refused, Gone away, Unclaimed of buyer side.

CAN i ask Low value for Customs clearance in my Country ?

Sure, Generally your package will be marked as "GIFT" and, mark some proper value, if you have or want any specific customs value for your package for your customs clearance, pls. let us know, we will follow you.
* Proper value: It means a generally understandable price and not talking about the actual purchase price, or the price that's too low for customs declaration, Pinkbox is not responsible for the occurrence and imposition of taxes in the importing country due to this proper value.

Pinkbox not responsible for the shopping goods,items,merchandise,which chosen by customers and any taxes,or other fees that may be imposed by import county when your order reaches
Pinkbox offer online buying and inspection service for customers,(Buying merchandise for customer's required website in Korea, Inspection for real existence, scammer of customer's required website)
Pinkbox respect for customer's taste and selection of merchandise, we, therefore, inspect the quality with color,design that confirmed merchandise by customers and remarkable defects on the merchandise(holes,broken
parts), remarkable defects on the merchandise will be reported to customers before shipment.
Pinkbox has no obligation to take a return your merchandise, we offer mainly buying service for customer, all responsible for quality of the merchandise which different color/Size caused by computer screen or missed
information by Shops are customers's side.
Pinkbox are not responsible for merchandise which selected by customers, We,therefore,need our customers to have a serious understanding of merchandise in the online shopping sites., Customers can ask and inquiry any
question related your merchandise to Pinkbox, Pinkbox will give you information and detail for your merchandise from the shop master or descriptions in the pointed website by customers

ORDER STATUS : You can check your order Status at your account -we will update when your items arrived here until all item arrived here for shipment. (If you are not a member, we will let you know through your mail)

Surface mail Packing is different with other Shipping methods_This is an unchangeable principle and is considered to agree when selecting sea mail as an empirical method that can reduce damage to products during sea
transport. (They will be packed exactly as the seller sent it into Box,_ We open and check and show delivered items and will be packed as it sent by Seller and pack into shipping Box)

Return shipping fee(from your country to Korea) : It will be charged or abandoned by your Custom’s authority for AirMail and Air courier and EMS Premium.

Re-shipping : charge on all shipping methods -You can change re-shipping method and pay for re-shipping, if you want re-shipping.

If you have any questions about PINKBOX Combine fulfillment Service, please feel free to contact us